What is it about a new book? A beautiful hard cover book, with a fancy cover; one that I will happily display on my coffee table. Yesterday I picked up the new
"Design Sponge at Home" book by Grace Bonney of
Design Sponge. Thanks to that Christmas money that was just sitting there waiting to be used, I headed over to Chapters yesterday and purchased it. After an evening of opening more Christmas gifts (Christmas just ended yesterday, if you can believe it), I couldn't wait to get home and peruse the book! It was late, past my bed time, but I couldn't resist. I love the new book smell, and the sound of breaking in the binding as I turn the first page, but more importantly, I loved seeing page upon page of beautiful imagery. The most creative homes and spaces are recorded within the pages; images full of thrifted finds, one-of-a-kind furniture, small spaces made more useful, and plenty of DIY projects at the back! It's perfect for someone like me, who dreams of owning her own space some day. Maybe it will look like the pictures in the book? I'll be happy if it's anywhere near that. :)